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  From: Paananen Osmo <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 10:52:07 +0300

Re: fbcon-KGI bridge

> > Where c = controller, t = scsi target and d = lun.  So when I add one device 
> > the numbering stays same, and c0t0d0 refers to same disk unlike in Linux where 
> > the mapping can change (more easily than in Solaris).
> Linux does have a standard for this.  /dev/sd* are for SCSI devices.  sda
> refers to the first harddrive on the SCSI chain, and sda0 refers to the
> first partition on the first harddrive, etc.

This kind of standard causes problems when you insert new device to the chain 
because it may cause some disks to change names.   This problem doesn't really 
exist when using IDE disks.

I just wanted to say that it might be usefull if we could avoid 
device renaming when adding/removing hardware.

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