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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 15:23:16 -0400 (EDT)

Evstack ports

Someone said here that they were working on a kgi driver for a sparc
workstation. If you have such code could you please send it to me. Yes
Evstack is mostly machine independent. But not all of it. No input
devices can vary from platform to platform. Look at
driver/char/lp_mk68.c and pc_keyb.c and amigamouse.c etc,etc... So their
are several peices of input devices that are system depenedent. Also if
you look at the i386/*.c files in the evstack source they are platform
specific. Yes there is a SPARC port in progress as well as a PowerPPC
port. Anyone here good at other platforms? Also I like to take a crack at
the DEC TGA port. It looks very PCish to port. The SPARC is quite
different. Actually easier. You as the PROM for any info you wnat and tell
the PROM to you want.

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