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  From: Hartmut Niemann <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 13:29:43 +0200 (MESZ)

Re: CVS and source

> exactly how many people are developing using the libggi CVS source
> tree as opposed to the stable/devel releases?  I found some apps that
> NEEDED the CVS tree, so i wiped libggi from my system and am now setup
> with a CVS PEGGY won't run and needs libggi.h, which
> doesn't exist anymore....fine, ggi.h looks like a nice replacement for
> it, but ggiSetPaletteVec and ggiKeyPoll don't exist anymore.....
> which is safer/best for me to use for now?  both for compiling 3rd
> party programs and my own personal development...
> thanks
> j
You'r probably not the first one who stumbled across this ...
It looks like we have to be far more careful with the libggi documentation
changelog, where all of this should be documented.

AFAIK: libggi.h -> ggi.h, you guessed correctly.
ggiSetPaletteVec -> ggiSetPalette, with identical parameters and functionality
ggiKeyPoll: no idea. Andrew, did you change that?


Hartmut Niemann   --   niemann(a) [/ggi]

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