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  From: WHS <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 22:09:39 +0200

Re: Do We Want KGI To Be The Standard? (Re: I'm back)

Andrew Apted wrote:
> Hartmut writes:
> >  > > - we use GPL and have trouble with the *BSD crowd,
> >  > > - we use BSD and have trouble with the Linux crowd,
> >  >
> >  > Nobody have any problem with the X license, no? We'll simply use that
> >  > one..
> >  >
> >  > --
> >  > Torgeir Veimo, Vertech AS,
> >  In the *Kernel*?
> >  I can imagine trouble coming if Xish licensed material gets compiled
> >  into a linux or *bsd KERNEL. Or am I totally off??
> No you're right.  If it gets statically linked into the kernel (i.e.
> becomes a part of vmlinux/zImage/whatever), then it must be GPL.  This
> is why there are a couple of "module only" things -- because they are
> BSD (e.g. the ppp compression IIRC).

No, this is NOT a problem, except for the old BSD style license. X and 2
clause BSD (as used in FreeBSD) can be compiled into a GPL program and
also into a BSD program (either as a separate file or into a BSD file,
as you can add license clauses to BSD stuff (not possible with GPL btw)
so this would not be a problem, as the licenses are equivalent in

So BSD-2 or X is ok everywhere.



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