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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 19:56:57 -0400 (EDT)

Re: (AA) i've seen the stars, too

On Thu, 30 Jul 1998, Jan Kneschke wrote:

Thanks for fixing these errors.  Which reminds me, AAlib until now had
improper mode negotiation: it confuses the device size/image size. 
Committed the fixes now.  There's still one minor problem that there's no
good way to get the default widths/heights from the hardware drivers.  So if
not using 80x25 (I don't), you have to set LIBGGI_DEFMODE yourself.
(double the width and height of the terminal size.)

> the last step is an success-report for:
> every demo-proggi is working except:
> - checkmode, titler: dumps core, _GGIFlush (aahook==-1)

Might have something to do with the screwy mode sizes display-aa returns.

> - showaccel: perhaps it is ok, but the output isn't really definable
> - mandel: i don't what should happen. if i call it with 'mandel 0 1 0 1' it
> starts wasting cpu power and the only thing i see is ... nothing.
> - sndshow: locks my system hard under svgalib, so i don't wanna try it now.

> - vr: i just see a blank screen and then vr finishes.

The AAlib screen is too small for VR.  It needs at least 320x200, or else it
ggiPanic().  Because AAlib is on the terminal you won't see the message.

> - warp: displays its output somewhere else, that means that i can see some
> usefull stuff at the end flashing over my screen. 
> one small problem occured at the end:
> demo and testpattern are requesting default-modes and they get the same mode
> back, but testpattern uses 40x12.5 pixels while demo is using the full
> 80x25. any hints ??
> i'll commit my patches right now.
> thats all
>   Jan
> --- 
>        Project: GGI - S3-Vision-driver --
>          -)=  Jan (Weigon) Kneschke -- Kiel -- Northern Germany =(-

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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