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  From: Willie Daniel <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 17:33:03 -0500 (CDT)

more windowing for GGI

[second try]

I've fixed part of the mouse handling.
You can now move the windows around, slide the sliders, etc...
It's slow to recognize button for things like hitting
the "Quit" button in the demo program, you'll have to hold down
the mouse button until you see the "Quit" button click in...
it's hard to explain but you'll see.

Also, I've delete all parts relating to X11 and vgalib. So
it links strictly to libggi.

Also, since I fully plan on mutilating this library for my own diabolical
purposes, I've changed my version to "libgwin" and it's now
available on my homepage. (see sig)

                            Willie Daniel
              GGI Project:

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