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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:51:34 -0500

Re: Do We Want KGI To Be The Standard? (Re: I'm back)

>The main problem that I see is that we want to make
>*cross-platform kernel parts*.
>- if we have a BSDish license, the GNU/Linux crowd says *no*.
>- if we have the GPL, the *BSD crowd says *never*.
>- if we have both, doesn't that contradict itself?
>  How could we make such a license fireproof? Can such a license
>  logically exist?
>Can we release the drivers (which are the trouble spot!) with
>different licenses, but how can we prevent that they diverge?
>My feeling is that the original author could release a GNU-licensed
>tarball and a 'BSD edition' with different licenses, but could he
>add contributions he gets from one side to the other tree?
>A (major) contribution to a GPL'ed work is (AFAIK) GPL'ed in itself,
>and can't be incorporated into a non-GPL'ed piece. Right?
>So if we start having a BSD and a GPL driver, we can disalow
>(distribution of) modifications as well :-(
>A BSD/GPL mix or dual license approach, if feasible at all, can lead to
>a maintenance nightmare.

Can't we just require code going into the official tree to be under the two
licenses? And can't you put both licenses on the one source file?

-David Waite

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