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  From: Martin Eli Erhardsen <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:57:24 +0200

Re: I've seen the stars too... [Re: kgicon, etc]

Andrew Apted wrote:
> Martin Eli Erhardsen writes:
> >  would speed up the scrolling. The VGA splitline helps too, but you can
> Splitline is no good.  I've tried it, but what happens is that when you
> _move_ the splitline (e.g. up 8 lines), you often miss the VGA's line
> counter.  It is an exact comparison, so no ywrap occurs for that frame,
> resulting in a flash of garbage on the screen.  Real ugly.

Isn't it possible to read the current scanline and act accordingly.

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