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  From: Willie Daniel <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 01:08:44 -0500 (CDT)

windowing for GGI

I've gotten svgagui partially working with GGI.

For a screenshot go directly to:

For the source go directly to:

Just untargz it and run make. It should build both the lib
and the example program with no problems. Then run 
example/svgagui. I ran it with GGI-on-X.

If you want to see it run under native X11, run the example program
with the "-x" switch.

There are still problems with mouse handling under the GGI version,
but my eye's are about to pop out of my head. :) So i gotta get some
sleep. But if someone would, have a look at lib/ggilib.c for the ggi
related stuff. It was based on lib/svgalib.c so have a look at that also.
It would be an interesting project to get this working.

                            Willie Daniel
              GGI Project:

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