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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:43:54 -0400 (EDT)

No stars yet.

My computer's going to be seeing stars before I do at this rate:

root@smashmouth:~# ls /dev/fb*
/dev/fb0            /dev/fb0user4       /dev/fb2current     /dev/fb6
/dev/fb0autodetect  /dev/fb0user5       /dev/fb3            /dev/fb6current
/dev/fb0current     /dev/fb0user6       /dev/fb3current     /dev/fb7
/dev/fb0user0       /dev/fb0user7       /dev/fb4            /dev/fb7current
/dev/fb0user1       /dev/fb1            /dev/fb4current
/dev/fb0user2       /dev/fb1current     /dev/fb5
/dev/fb0user3       /dev/fb2            /dev/fb5current
root@smashmouth:~# uname -a
Linux smashmouth 2.1.111 #11 SMP Tue Jul 28 12:51:53 EDT 1998 i586 unknown
root@smashmouth:~# cat /proc/fb
0 VGA+
root@smashmouth:~# cd /usr/src/ggi/kgicon/
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
sound                  57268   0  (autoclean) (unused)
soundlow                 208   0  (autoclean) [sound]
soundcore               1900   3  (autoclean) [sound]
appletalk              14652   0  (autoclean)
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# insmod kgi/kgicon.o
Segmentation fault
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
kgicon                 34708   1  (uninitialized)
sound                  57268   0  (autoclean) (unused)
soundlow                 208   0  (autoclean) [sound]
soundcore               1900   3  (autoclean) [sound]
appletalk              14652   0  (autoclean)
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# cat /proc/fb
0 VGA+
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# util/con2fbmap 0 1
ioctl FBIOPUT_CON2FBMAP: Invalid argument
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# util/con2fbmap 0 0
root@smashmouth:/usr/src/ggi/kgicon# rmmod kgicon
rmmod: kgicon: Device or resource busy

and the stack trace:

Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: Oops: 0002
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: CPU:    0
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: EIP:    0010:[<c282c7bf>]
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: eax: 00000000   ebx: 000a0000   ecx: 00008000   edx: 00020000
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: esi: 00000190   edi: 000a0000   ebp: 00000280   esp: c178be90
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: Process insmod (pid: 421, process nr: 26, stackpage=c178b000)
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: Stack: c2827000 c042f007 c282704f ffffffea 00000190 c1d5d4a0 c1bbb0c0 1314050a
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel:        00000190 00000280 c017155c c1bbb0c0 00000001 01900280 01900280 00b400f0
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel:        00000004 00010001 02800280 030002a8 03200310 01900000 019c0197 01ba019e
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: Call Trace: [<c2827000>] [<c282704f>] [<c017155c>] [<c282ddd4>] [<c282c987>] [<c011a57a>] [<c2827000>]
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel:        [<c012054e>] [<c2818000>] [<c2827048>] [<c010b110>] [<c282e4f9>] [<c2827000>]
Jul 29 09:37:11 smashmouth kernel: Code: f3 ab f6 c2 02 74 02 66 ab f6 c2 01 74
01 aa 89 2d 54 e1 82

(Which reminds me I should go set the time right in my CMOS.)


The "insert" script seems to think con2fbmap and kgicon.o are in
the same directory and/or con2fbmap or . is in the PATH.  Bad.

con2fbmap had to be modified to include errno.h and strings.h

Brian S. Julin

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