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  From: Thomas Tanner <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 22:48:22 +0200

libggi2d updates


 I finally found some time to work on libGGI2D.
 Changes are:
 - prefixed all functions, macros and types with "ggi2d"
 - added emulation via ggiPut/GetPixel
  -> libggi2d can now run on every target that supports Put/GetPixel 
 - cleaned up the code and fixed many bugs
 - compiles now flawlessly
 - introduced "ggi2d_image"s (memory bitmaps that are optimized
   for blitting on a specific visual type)
 There are still some problems:

 - when running the libggi2d demo on the X target it seems that the
   excessive use of ggiMap/UnmapPixel causes problems with the Xlib synchronisation:
  Xlib: sequence lost (0x1008c > 0x8e) in reply type 0x6!
  Xlib: sequence lost (0x10090 > 0x92) in reply type 0x6!

 - the makefile tries to install the .so files in /lib/ggi.. rather than $(PREFIX)/lib/ggi...
   What's wrong with it? It's almost identical to the one of libggi.

 - the old directory structure is still present in the CVS under libggi/extensions/libggi2d
   How can I delete it? cvs remove doesn't work.

 There's still a lot of work to implement libggi2d's planned functionality (especially blitting), 
 but I'm not going to work much on it in the near future.
 The updated documentation is in my new GGI design spec and I'll extract it soon from it.

 I think OpenGL/ggimesa is a much more mature and complete API (BTW: good work Uwe!)
 and should be used for serious graphic programming (as it is already done by the Berlin people),
 while libggi2d might get a lightweight and easy 2D API some day.
Thomas Tanner -----------------------------

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