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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:44:05 +1000

Re: fbcon-KGI bridge

Paananen Osmo writes:

>  > You just have some video boards, and they get numbered fb0, fb1, fb2, ...
>  Anything that would be at least a bit static.  Would it be possible
>  to identify cards at different PCI-slots and name devices (or at
>  least create aliases) according to that information?  Isa based cards
>  could be named vga-ioport, mda-ioport...

The framebuffers have names, for example on my box :

    bash> cat /proc/fb
    0 VGA+
    1 MDA-Dual-Head

And with a bit of scripting magic...

>  I don't know where the framebuffer device names will be used in, but
>  my guess is that this wouldn't be as big problem as it is with disks.

Yeah, no real problems.  (Having two will be rare, having three or more
will be very rare indeed).

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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