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  Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:01:01 EDT

Re: What about the

In a message dated 27/07/98 13:00:38 GMT, Rodolphe wrote:

<< And, I also donate the libgwt source code to Andreas "Freezie" Beck.
 Hehehe: it's not really my code, and it doesn't work... ;-)))
 Well, seriously... Do what you want. I don't mind about the chosen
 license as I don't know anything to these issues. Please, propose
 a reasonable decision, personnally I will support it and get rid of
 all this...

I completely agree, I will do the same to any code I contribute to libgwt.
After seeing Andreas' posts, I completely trust him to "Do The Right Thing"
(tm) for the good of the code.


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