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  From: Wolf Shaman <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 17:19:41 +0200 (CEST)

Re: I've seen the stars too... [Re: kgicon, etc]

On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:

> >IIRC it's a known problem (since the kernel's driver will already have
> >claimed the vga space).  The #if 0 is alright in the short term, I'm not
> >sure what exactly should be done in the long term...
> Please could someone with experience on this topic provide hints ?
> (Steffen, Andreas ?) I noted that the Matrox dali kgi drivers do _not_
> use the VGA IO region. Is this a feature of the card ? I'm not sure
> the Cirrus Logic Laguna board can do this, even though it has a lot
> of MMIO registers some important ones miss if I remember well (I should
> check that.)
As far I I've seen in my own card documentations, most (if not all) MGA
chipsets seem to have a complete map of the VGA IO region in the MGA MMIO
aperture. According to the Matrox drivers readme's they are all MMIO, and
I've not noticed anything else while writing mine..

Johan Karlberg

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