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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:16:47 +1000

Re: KGI backbone.

James A Simmons writes:

>  Right now the kernels console system is a mess.

No argument there.

>  In console.h we have 
>  consw and in console_struct.h we have vc_data which describes data about
>  each virtual console. Then we have vt*.h stuff. Yuk! With KGI all we need
>  is kgi.h which does all this.

And kgi/console.h and kgi/keymap.h and kgi/kgi_struct.h and kgi/scroll.h
and kgi/scroll_struct.h and probably some ggi/*.h stuff too.

>  Before we start porting all the kgicon
>  drivers to this new system we should first rework promcon.c and vgacon.c
>  etc to work with kgi. We would not rewrite console.c but change the consw
>  interface to the kgi_display interface. If fbcon and the console system
>  were layered on KGI could have a definite footing into the kernel.

The chances of the linux-kernel folk accepting that into the official
kernel is zero with a capital 'Z'.  It ain't ever gonna happen.  Maybe I
misunderstand you, because I can't see the benefit in what you're
proposing.  What functionality does kgi's console system provide that
linux's console system lacks ?

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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