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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 16:25:43 -0400

RE: kgicon, etc [my scsi works again now!]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Emmanuel Marty

> Just posting that information in case someone else bumps on the
> problem and searchs this list :)
> OK, gonna give the MediaGX driver a compilation try under kgicon
> now..

Cool, I would have a #9 Motion 771 with an S3 Vision 968 , 2 megs of ram and
a IBM RGB 524 Ramdac/clock. I have a 90% working driver (there is some
conflict between my knowledge of how things work between the Ramdac and the
chipset and how things actually work). I am able to get (incorrect) visual
output at certain resolutions and certain bitdepths with the old Dali
system, I stopped using it because a combination of me debugging the drivers
and an alpha kernel patch on top of a development kernel kept fraggin my
hard drive.

As soon as I'm able to request a 800x600x32 bpp visual, I want to start
working on things again. I don't know if it is worth my time with how things
are currently semi-working and undocumented until a res I knew used to work
(albeit incorrectly) does again. I'm anxious to get this card working
though, thanks to gsnes9x and ggimame =)

-David Waite

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