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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:31:59 +0200

New event type of gwt-only event ?

Boujour a tous,

sooner or later (maybe in the middle :-), I will have to provide
a new event type within libgwt. (GWT=Generic Windowing Toolkit, so
you may guess that this event will be something like a WINDOW_EXPOSED

What is the best aproach:
 1- add a _new_ "virtual" GGI event ?
BTW: are there differences (even theoretical) between libggi events and
kii events ?
 2- supply custom libgwt-only events ?

I see advantages in solution 1 (mainly: I will not have to do it myself
:-). I see also disadvantages in solution 2 (if I create a gwt_event
type, it will subsume the ggi_event type and this would be, in my
opinion, extra-unneeded bloat).

Do you have any advice ? Could take the opportunity of your answer
to provide some details on the GGI event dispatching system ? (I
don't really know this part of the project.)


PS: Should I wait (again) that Andreas come back from vacation ? ;-)

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