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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:25:50 +0200

Re: kgicon, etc

Steffen wrote:
>The driver model is still under Dali, and if I got it right, the
>kgicon code assumes a dali driver, but just adds another system layer.
>At least that was what it should do, doesn't it?
> [...]
>Meanwhile you can port your drivers to whatever you like :-), but the
>big change for the drivers is still coming.

Thank you very much. :-)

Currently, I don't really like the kgicon bridge as the file
"fbcon-kgi.c" did not even compile on my machine... I fixed the
driver I'm responsible of (you know, the one I can port to
whatever I like ;-) to compile correctly, added a few header
files that were forgotten by Jon, changed some things Jon forgot
also in the accel/.configure... Now, I'd like to know what I have to
do to see some graphics ? (Please everyone: try to be careful when
moving someone else files... :-)

My guess: get a kernel with the fb-thingy (which version?)
          {patch,symlink} it (how ? I mean: which make thingy)
          insert the module (probably as usual)
          twickle the fb-thingy to change the res (how?)

Am I right ?

Nevertheless: I hope we will not have to maintain two versions of
the graphic drivers in the future (one for degas and the other inheritied
from dali for the fbcon-kgi bridge) ? As you may not have guessed, in
fact, I do _not_ like porting things... ;-))

Okay, Jon answered to me with this:
>drivers) have been removed.  I am assuming that when your new KGI is
>operational, we will somehow merge kgicon and KGI-Degas.  Should be

But Jon also wrote:
>of.  Wait until Steffen is done with Degas/KGI and kgicon has been merged
>with it to do any further porting.

You see: they always tell me to wait... Arrggghhh ! :-))
However, it would be interesting to have the {old,dali} drivers working on
kgicon, no ? And it would also give the opportunity to drivers writers
(like me) to make some clean-ups in their code...

Jon, could you provide some guidelines to get a working linux-kernel-fb-
ggi-kgicon ?


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