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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:04:43 -0700

Re: kgicon, etc

Jon M. Taylor says:
> > I have just committed the missing .configure files, and the ET6000
> > driver is somewhat functional, although I did get an Oops when trying
> > lynx -- very nasty since it seems memory and/or stack is being trashed
> > somewhere.  
> 	Yes, I get oopsen with lynx as well.  Only lynx.

I take it it's some codes lynx is sending to the terminal that are hosing
it.  You could redirect the output of lynx to a file to try to figure out
which codes are causing the problem..  Once you've got them recorded, you
can split the file into pieces and cat them individually:

% lynx "" > output
% cat output
[ok, not much appears to happen because lynx clears the screen and
it happens really quickly, but if viewing that page on lynx would
have oopsed, the cat will oops now, right?]

Also, if you can't remember the exact keystrokes you used in lynx
(it may be more than "qy"), you can use another terminal as your 'eyes'
using "tail -f output".  Do this part with a non-oopsing kernel, of
course. :-)

If you're patient, you may be able to get the output file pared down
to a few characters that, when echo'd, cause the oops.  Of course,
other people may have more sophisticated methods of debugging the
problem.  Your mileage may vary.

-Neal Tucker

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