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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:28:23 -0700 (PDT)

Re: kgicon, etc

On Mon, 27 Jul 1998, Steffen Seeger wrote:

> > On Mon, 27 Jul 1998, Emmanuel Marty wrote:
> > >...
> > > Well, it is summer, so half of the core developers are away in v
> > > This said, I'd love to hear from Stefan Mars, Jim Ursetto, Teunis Peters,
> > > Matthias Grimrath .. :) Now that KGI drivers have high odds to fold into
> > > the kernel, that'd be a good time to work on them uh ;)
> > 
> >  Do you mean that we are now ALLOWED to port our dali drivers to
> > degas ?? I mean: I asked for that two or three times and was always
> > told to wait... So ? There is difference between kgicon (ie: kgi
> > on fbdev) and degas or... is there a graphics driver guide that I
> > did not see ?
> > 
> > Rodolphe, still wanting to have its 546x onscreen.
> The driver model is still under Dali, and if I got it right, the
> kgicon code assumes a dali driver, but just adds another system layer.
> At least that was what it should do, doesn't it?

	It just replaces drivers/kernel/i386.c with fbcon-kgi.c.  It also
makes a few naming changes, and the kernel part of KGI (consoles and input
drivers) have been removed.  I am assuming that when your new KGI is
operational, we will somehow merge kgicon and KGI-Degas.  Should be

> The Dali->Degas transition will start when we have a operational
> 'native' KGI system again, with the new /dev/graphics code.
> I am currently adding backward compatibility, so that it doesn't break
> the XFree servers as long as no driver is loaded.
> Meanwhile you can port your drivers to whatever you like :-), but the
> big change for the drivers is still coming.

	The kgicon drivers are just Dali drivers with a few tiny
modifications.  "Porting" should be trivial.  I used Dali drivers because
they already worked and I needed a working base to build fbcon-kgi on top
of.  Wait until Steffen is done with Degas/KGI and kgicon has been merged
with it to do any further porting.


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	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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