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  From: Jordan Mendelson <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 17:22:29 -0400

RE: kgicon, etc

> Jordan Mendelson wrote:
> > I was just playing around with GGI the tonight, wanting to see
> if I could
> > get kgicon to work.. unfortunatly it didn't want to work, and I
> had other
> > things to do.
> Can you be more specific ? :)

Confusion mainly. The installation instructions are out of date, I'm not
sure if I'm supposed to patch the kernel with the KGI stuff or not any more.
None of the execution bits are set on any of the scripts anywhere, the
include file for types.h in GGI complains that it doesn't know about my
endianness (i686 running egcs cvs updated today), nothing does
an -I/usr/X11R6/include to get the X11 header files needed to compile the
X11 target for libggi.

I run 2.1.111 so the patch doesn't cleanly apply to it, if I munge it I can
make it apply but then I get options for fbdev and kgi... no clue whatsoever
what options to set in either one (why does no one ever write the help for


Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :

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