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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:32:14 +0000

Re: kgicon, etc

Jordan Mendelson wrote:

> I was just playing around with GGI the tonight, wanting to see if I could
> get kgicon to work.. unfortunatly it didn't want to work, and I had other
> things to do.

Can you be more specific ? :)

> Out of curiosity, development for GGI seems to be lagging compared to what
> it was before CVS was taken offline and I was curious if kgicon is something
> that is even being worked on anymore? Things were a lot more stable before
> the CVS went down too.

Well, it is summer, so half of the core developers are away in vacation (becka
is getting ready to, and I'm just back from a week trip, and preparing another
one mid-august). My job hasn't stopped because it's summer either.. :/

For my part I'm not working on kgicon as much as I should, because my scsi
board isn't driven properly anymore, since 2.1.104. It just loops on a bus
reset, and that's somewhat annoying since my main development system is
all-scsi. Alan pointed me to hopefully working drivers, I'll check them out.

This said, I'd love to hear from Stefan Mars, Jim Ursetto, Teunis Peters,
Matthias Grimrath .. :) Now that KGI drivers have high odds to fold into
the kernel, that'd be a good time to work on them uh ;)


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