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  From: Alexander Larsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 16:52:08 +0200

Re: Patches (3dfx)

> BTW: anyone out there that has docs for one of the VooDoo cards? I would
> like to have a proof-of concept driver to demonstrate display-overloading.
> You only need to be able to setup one mode (e.g. 1024x768x5r5g5b1a16z)
 Well, they don't give out any programming information. The linux glide port 
was done by a volunteer under NDA for free.

 In the latest glide release there is included a small 3dfx device driver. It 
just seems to arbritrate the 3dfx and mmap the register space. I just glanced 
through the code. But at least there's some info.

 It can be found at:

/ Alex

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