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  From: WHS <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:32:18 +0200

Re: Out of the chaos

Andrew Apted wrote:
> Wouter writes:
> >  How's libgii coming along btw? I had a request for a spaceorb driver for
> >  ggi-descent, and if such code is not already available under LGPL
> >  (better yet BSD or PD) I will write my own (have't had time yet until
> >  now) as GPL is incompatible with the descent license.
> Look at os/Linux/input/joystick/spaceorb.c in the devel repository.  If
> you wanna change the license to LGPL, then that's fine with me.

Ok, but where's libgii gone? It's still in the old tree (never tried to
compile it though, was it ever functional?) I have but nothing in the
current one.
Otherwise LGPL'ing won't help (yes, I could make a but
that seems just a bit perverse for one application :-).

Btw, this driver is OS independent and thus should not be under
os/Linux/.. (symlink to lib/libgii/spaceorb/.. would be better)


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