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  From: Alexander Larsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 12:51:57 +0200

Re: Frames...

> It was decided that ggi_info_fb should be removed, and the directbuffer
> stuff should be used instead.  So yeah the LIBGGI_FB_* macros will need
> replacing.
> Here's what could be done :
>     1. Add the following to ggi_info:
>           ggi_directbuffer *read_db;
>           ggi_directbuffer *write_db;
> [ more stuff snipped]

I started out on this today, because i think that the double-buffer situation 
in libggi today is fundamentally broken, but i feel i might be in over my 
head. I think someone with a more knowledge about libggi did this, because it 
need some really major changes to the internals of libggi.

As things work currently the target fills out the ggi_info_fb structure with 
some info, like a pointer to the linear fb. Then the linear-xx stubs takes 
this info and creates ONE directbuffer structure. This has to be changed so 
that all targets parse the frames field of the mode and create as many 
directbuffers as they need and fill them out.

Some targets (at least the x-target) use the ggi_info_fb structure to store a 
lot of it's info (like the pointer to the framebuffer), they need major 
changes to support this.

I'm going on vacation on Saturday, so i don't have much time right now either.

Soo, gurus, what do you think?

/ Alex

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