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  From: Adrian Ratnapala <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 08:38:21 +0000

enums and ints and C++

Hartmut Niemann wrote:

> The graphtype is an integer too, but that's coincidence. So that
> you can do mode.graphtype=GGI_AUTO is nothing to depend on.
> BTW: Modula or Pascal would have complained loudly  ...

This brings up a minor issue.  C++ _does_ complian (albeit only softly).

This is annoying because somewhere in the headers
(inside ggiKeyPoll in my somewhat outdated libggi version) libggi OR's
two ggi_event_mask values together and passes them to a function expecting
another ggi_event_mask.  Unfortunately the OR converts the enum into an
int, which generates a warning when passed along.

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