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  From: Paananen Osmo <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 01:25:07 +0300

Re: fbcon-KGI bridge

> > Where c = controller, t = scsi target and d = lun.  So when I add one device 
> > the numbering stays same, and c0t0d0 refers to same disk unlike in Linux where 
> > the mapping can change (more easily than in Solaris).
> And what do you suggest with respect to frame buffer devices and video boards?
> You just have some video boards, and they get numbered fb0, fb1, fb2, ...

Anything that would be at least a bit static.  Would it be possible to 
identify cards at different PCI-slots and name devices (or at least create aliases) 
according to that information?  
Isa based cards could be named vga-ioport, mda-ioport...

I don't know where the framebuffer device names will be used in, but my guess 
is that this wouldn't be as big problem as it is with disks.

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