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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:56:57 -0700 (PDT)

Re: trying kgicon

On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> Well, its getting closer. I now have a working console under 2.1.109 (ac2). 
> But it won't work in 80x50, just 80x43.
> Now I'm heading for kgicon. I run "make config" in the kgi directory after 
> having done the symlink for /usr/src/linux/include/kgi. I get the usual kgi 
> configure stuff, but i can hardly select anything because there seems to be a 
> lot of .configure's missing.

	Yeah, sorry about that.  All those hidden files and directories
played hell with my attempts to get the stuff into CVS.  Most of the
.configure stuff should be the same as the Dali equivalents, just toss 'em
back in and commit to CVS (after verifying that it works, of course). 
Note that the accel subsection, which used to be "graphic", does have some
.configure changes to reflect this overall name change.  Look at the
generic accel files to see what needs to change - it should be
straightforward.  Basically:

* The functions kgim_graphic_* have changed to kgim_accel_*

* The -E(GRAPHIC, *) changes to -E (ACCEL, *)

* In the .configure files, the /tmp/graph* changes to /tmp/accel*.  There 
are also graph _. accel changes in the wording of the menus in those 
.configure files, but that is cosmetic.

	Just doing a make should show you right where the problems in the 
source code are.


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becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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