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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 15:30:05 -0400 (EDT)

Re: new db/graphtype

On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Andrew Apted wrote:
> An 8-bit index into a table of ggi_color.  That's the abstraction that
> LibGGI provides via ggiSetPalette() & ggiGetPalette().  Who cares what
> the "real" palette is ?

Anyone that has to do complex shading/dithering, as they won't be able 
to just trust ggiSetPallette(); way too primitive.  If such
routines run under the illusion that the pallette is really
as precise as ggi_color, that will result in funny moire type effects
which could be avoided.  Most of this kind of code will be internal to 
libGGI 2D and 3D, but some applications will need to roll their own 
customized functions even when they have 2D and 3D handy.
> >  Also modes that are emulating palette don't have to store it
> >  internally in a haphazard manner; they have a "right place" to put
> >  it.
> Which modes are those ?  I'm not following you (again :-().

Forget it -- as you reminded me that libGGI is obliged to
carry a ggi_color software pallette in case the visual changes 

Brian S. Julin

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