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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  : GGI GGI <>
  Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 11:11:57 +0200 (MEST)

RFC: degas-kgi


it's been a long time, and a lot of work, but degas-kgi is taking shape.
I have put a snapshot of my current tree on

containing the Kernel patches only. It doesn't link or work properly yet, but
the kgi/kii stuff is somewhat settled. It has to be integrated together,
but the major layout is how I want it.

I would like to have everyone interested a look at it and comment in 
the following areas:

	- portability
	- extendability
	- if you can make it work with other compilers/systems, let me know.

	- portability, esspecially to *BSD, 
	- SMP safety. What needs to be done to make it SMP safe.

To install, just untar a 2.1.98 kernel in /usr/src/linux, and do

cd degas
cd kgi/Linux
cd /usr/src/linux
make oldconfig; make; make

What needs to be done now (and other peple can help with) is integration 
of the console driver and documentation of the beast. If you find obvious
mistakes, or have fixes/enhancements, just let me know (send diffs).

Please follow up this mail, I may not be able to follow other threads.



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