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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 13:14:42 +1000

Re: new db/graphtype

Brian writes:

>  What I'm trying to say is, you request and get an 8-bit indexed mode,
>  but then have no idea what depth/pixelformat the DAC is.  An 8-bit
>  index into a table of what?

An 8-bit index into a table of ggi_color.  That's the abstraction that
LibGGI provides via ggiSetPalette() & ggiGetPalette().  Who cares what
the "real" palette is ?

>  Also modes that are emulating palette don't have to store it
>  internally in a haphazard manner; they have a "right place" to put
>  it.

Which modes are those ?  I'm not following you (again :-().  If you're
talking about the palemu target which will emulate palettised modes on
non-palettised ones, then that will just store the palette as an array
of ggi_color (whenever I get around to writing it :-).

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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