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  From: Frank W. Miller <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 23:04:07 -0400 (EDT)

Re: libggi dependencies

> On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, Jan Kneschke wrote:
> useful tool that does not disturb their existing environment.  autoconf is
> THE standard way to implement cross-platform-Unix building and installing

I'm not sure I want to get in the middle of this but...

Actually, most BSD packages dont use autoconf.  It's actually a quite
GNU centric tool.  Most BSD programs use shell scripts to do configuration.
This may be more historical than anything.  autoconf is predated by
quite a long time by BSD development.

I've used autoconf and I think its quite a well put together tool.  The
point here is that its not quite as widespread as you might think.  Uh,
just for the record, Roadrunner doesnt have any of this stuff, I'm really
dreading the day I start to do things self-hosted; I think its going to
be a real nightmare reproducing all these nifty tools.


Frank W. Miller                           Department of Computer Science                               University of Maryland             College Park, Maryland 20742

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