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  From: Thomas Tanner <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 22:51:17 +0200

Re: libggi2d

Emmanuel Marty wrote:

> > >  It was not commited to the stable tree yet and the version in the
> > >  devel tree is not working. You can download a working snapshot from
> > >
> > >  (unpack it to /lib)
> > Excuse me?
> > If there's a working libggi2d, why do we have a broken one in the
> > CVS tree that will become a stable release in a few hours?!?

 Sorry. Yesterday I haven't had any time to commit it.
 I have send the working version to Andy a while ago, but there's IMHO still an open issue:
 Where's the right place for libggi2d and the other extensions?
 Some time ago we decided to put all extensions under /lib/libggi/extensions
 but this does not conform to the modularization of our tree, 
 because checking out libggi means also checking out _all_ other extensions (libggi3d, libgwt,...)
 My personal favorite would be /lib/libggi2d.

 What do you think?

> Well, I jumped at that too, but actually - libggi2D is not ready for
> integration right now (Thomas, please correct me if I'm assuming the
> wrong thing, in which case nevermind me) :
> I hope Thomas can fix those issues, if not already, and commit libggi2D
> to the development repository soon.. And hopefully by august 1st we'll have
> it into the stable one too, if it works fine..

 The working version fixes all this problems. 
 It's not a big problem for me that it didn't made into the release.
 Next time it will be, however...

Thomas Tanner -----------------------------

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