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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 17:01:23 +1000

LibGGI Mode Strings

Hi guys,

With the new graphtype coming in, we need a more descriptive LibGGI mode
string format, that knows about GT_CLUT & GT_TRUECOLOR etc.  

What I have in mind is replacing the '[nnn]' at the end with a
<letter><number> combination, as follows :

    GT_TEXT:       T4, T8          'T' for Text.
    GT_CLUT:       P1..P8          'P' for Palette.
    GT_TRUECOLOR:  C15, C16, C24   'C' for trueColor.
    GT_GREYSCALE:  K1..K8          'K' (just seems to be standard 
                                        for greyscale).

The number is the color depth (which is why T4 instead of T16).  Some

    320x200p8, 640x400c16, 80x25t4

How about it ?

Here is some other ideas, purely "food for thought" because I'm not too
fussed about them :

    -  instead of '#', use 'V' for Virtual.  I dislike '#' because it is
       often used as the start of a comment in config-files etc.

    -  allow a prefix of 'S' for Size, and *then* allow the different
       parts to be in any order.  I often type something like 'f1d1x1' 
       which then spews because the 'd' option has to come before the 
       'f' option.  Some examples :

       800x600c24 == s800x600c24 == c24s800x600

       320x200v640x400p8 == v640x400s320x200p8 == s320x200p8v640x400

       '160x100 V320x200 T4' == 'T4 V320x200 S160x100'

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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