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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 21:54:47 -0400 (EDT)


On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Neal Tucker wrote:

> Marcus Sundberg says:
> > If GGI_AUTO is -1 you can't do (GT_TRUECOLOR | GGI_AUTO) ...
> Sure you can.  It just doesn't make any sense. :-)

Ah, but you could use (GT_TRUECOLOR & GGI_AUTO) and invert
the sense of the masks/flags. :-)  More natural language sounding
that way, too.

That said I prefer GGI_AUTO = 0 simply because 0 is the customary 
"invalid" value for a pointer variable; we don't use them in such 
a context yet, and won't often in kernel/userspace areas.  That 
and using & on a -1 anywhere just might cause glitches with local system
type sizes.

Having separate GGI_AUTO's for things also will have us touch typing
"rRTFM^X^Cy" with great proficiancy as naive programmers not reading 
the docs will just jam the wrong GGI_AUTO somewhere.

Just as long as we aren't creating another DPP debacle...

My two fares,

Brian S. Julin

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