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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 22:34:25 +1000

Re: libggi dependencies

Hartmut writes:

>  quick question:
>  I changed degas/include/ggi/types.h, tried a make in libggi and
>  almost nothing happened.
>  Could it be that nobody currently cares about what .h files a .c.o 
>  file depend on?

Dependencies have been broken in LibGGI for a while.  I often have to
"make clean" or "rm blah/*.o" to get consistent results.

>  Could that be made automatic?

The linux kernel does dependencies a lot better than we do.  I guess we
need a real makefile guru (and to understand LibGGI's makefiles, you'd
*have* to be a guru :-) to step forth and give it a good polish.

>  BTW: make clean doesn't clean up the demo directory.

"make" doesn't make the demos either.  It's kind of separate nowadays.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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