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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 17:53:57 +0200

Palette restoring...

This is currently a somewhat confusing, to say the least,

In the libggi-issues document we have:
Pending, paragraph 1.3:
  It is still unclear whether restoring the palette is done by the application
  (along the redraw action), or by the libggi (target).
  Most targets have a local copy of the palette anyway, so it would be rather easy.

Resolved, paragraph 2.11:
  The palette setting is not necessarily kept on a focus switch, so when an
  application needs to redraw the screen, it has to re-set the palette as well.

Resolved, paragraph 2.14;
  It seems to me that the application is guaranteed that all graphics state is
  saved and restored transparently (including the CLUT) except for the screen
  content itself, where the application is supposed to redraw after receiving
  an appropriate redraw event.

Somewhat contradictory huh? ;)
I certainly vote for the last one!
The only target where this is relevant is the KGI-target, and
IMO it's better to add this functionality to one target than
hundreds of applications.

But actually this functionality belong in the driver and not
in libggi at all. Any 256 color CLUT will fit very well into
2k, and the other gfx states shouldn't use that much either.
And I don't consider 1 page of kernel-memory per fullscreen
app anything to fuzz about at all...


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