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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:14:31 +1000

Re: New ggi_graphtype

Marcus writes:

>  > I don't think we should have code in
>  > every target to detect endianess to set the appropriate subscheme.
>  > DirectBuffer uses "native" and "reverse" endian which makes more
>  > sense in this case.
>  Detecting native/reverse endian will require MORE work in
>  targets than LSB/MSB. In the first case the target has to know
>  the endianess of BOTH the CPU and the gfx hardware. 

Probably (depending on the target, e.g. KGI might handle the endianness
itself and export the native/reverse info to LibGGI).

>  With my suggestion it only has to know the endianess of the gfx HW.

The advantage of native/reverse is that it shields *programs* from
having to know what endianness they are, and IMHO this is more important
than a bit of extra work within LibGGI.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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