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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 10:51:53 +0200

Re: Where do we stand now? (Re: Out of the chaos, and other threads)

A quick comment on
It looks good to me, except that "libggi" and "GGI Console"
should be more readable, and the Images could use some
Also you should always make use of the width and height
attributes for images as it makes graphical browsers
maintain a proper layout when you have images turned off
(which I always have when I'm not on the 32Mbps connection
in school)

I recommend getting the very nice weblint utility from as it can
point out many small things one might not think of.
For example 'weblint -pedantic' on the new page says:

index.html(4): did not see <LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto..."> in HEAD.
index.html(12): setting WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on IMG tag can improve rendering performance on some browsers.
index.html(13): setting WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on IMG tag can improve rendering performance on some browsers.
index.html(14): setting WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on IMG tag can improve rendering performance on some browsers.
index.html(15): setting WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on IMG tag can improve rendering performance on some browsers.
index.html(16): setting WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on IMG tag can improve rendering performance on some browsers.
index.html(19): attribute `FACE' for <font> is extended markup (use "-x <extension>" to allow this).

(if you add -x Netscape to the commandline the last warning will go away)

Keep up the good work,


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