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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 09:24:56 +0200 (MEST)

Re: PCI/non PCI card identification.

> #undef GGI_LURK
> Hello all,
> since some discussion was about detection of PCI cards, I just wanted to
> mention again: what about non PCI (e.g. VESA local bus) cards?
> (Yes, those systems still exist and perform sufficiently!)
> Can non PCI-cards be detected by the KGI-drivers?
> When I issued this question in november, Steffen said it was feature
> freeze for dali... (Ben Kosse suggested to have two separate compilation paths)
> This is intended only as a reminder, perhaps it is already considered
> or unnecessary for kgicon-kernels??

Yes, they are detected by probing them directly. But they can't detected
automatically, at least not as easily as PCI cards.

> ade!
> 	Dirk.
> #define GGI_LURK /* not enough time to actively participate on this, alas! */


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