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  From: Chris Meadors <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 23:53:15 -0400

Re: Where do we stand now? (Re: Out of the chaos, and other threads)

Hartmut Niemann wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> Some are proposing new web sites, some are proposing new directory schemes,
> and I feel we have had better concepts in the back than we have now, and
> more ideas about what we are actually doing?

Well I'm following, intently, the developments as to suggestions for the
website.  I did throw together a simple layout today.  It can be found at I plan on doing a few more over the next week
or so.  I'm mostly waiting to see what becomes of this "Out of the chaos"
discussion.  If you want to make any comments on the new page idea, please
just look at the design and layout, the content (including the text on the
buttons) is generated by scripts and can be changed with no work from me. 
So once I flush out what the content of the new site should be I can easily
change the text part of the page.

[whole bunches of (important) stuff snipped]

As the text I snipped basicly said, there has been a lot of developments in
the GGI Project lately.  I am very impressed as to what the developers are
doing.  While writing a video card driver is above my head (for now :), I am
working with libGGI for a game project of my own, and I think you people
have something good going here.  I'm just happy to be part of this, as
little as I have to do with the actual product, I guess what I do it what
most people will see first (the web site if you weren't playing a long).  I
now have almost 2 months of totally free time.  During this time I'm going
to put a lot of work into a site overhaul.  Right now any inspiring ideas I
get graphicly will be turned into scripts that can build a sample page.  I
will also be following the list to see what the general consenous is to the
content of the page.

Please post any general comments (that then could be commented on) to the
list, or send anything less general directly to me.  All is being taken in
and sorted in my head.

Thanks for your time and work,
Two penguins were walking on an iceberg.  The first penguin said to the 
second, "you look like you are wearing a tuxedo".  The second penguin 
said, "I might be".

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