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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 21:39:01 -0400 (EDT)

Evstack progress

Hi. This is what has been accomplish. The kgi driver has been removed. I
have moved console/conlinux.c to vt.c and rearranged the code to look just
like char/vt.c. Did alot of patching to make this evstack possible. Also
removed devvcs.c and created a patch to vc_screen.c. kgi.c is gone.
Removed /dev/graphics and I am in the process to create a patch for
fbmem.c to behave like /dev/graphics. Some files in video have been
patched as well. They use the update_screen and the function calls in
vt_kern.h. These functions were originally in char/console.c. This will be
patched. By the way is their a way to get to the kgi functions threw
/dev/fb. kgiscroll is heavly dependent on it. What a PITA to seperate that
code. Still not done on that. I can't read my email until tomorrow. Their
upgrading the mail system. Well talk to you tomorrow. Hey send me info on
how to send a whole driectory of files to the cvs. I will be sending the
new evstack tree hopefuly tomorrow. I don't want to send a broken tree.

					James Simmons.

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