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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 12:30:39 -0400 (EDT)

Re: ggiGetc or ggiGetkey?


On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Steve Cheng wrote:

> Also notice that currently ggiGetc() is the same as ggiKeyRead().  Maybe we
> should change ggiGetc() so that it just discards keys that are in the
> reserved unicode pages (e.g. shift keys) and K_VOID[*]?
> The "action game programmers" :) should not use ggiKeyRead() anyway. 
> They should just use ggiEventPoll directly and get evKeyPresses and
> evKeyReleases (and usually not evKeyRepeats).
> [*] So which one is it, a special code for each of the 'special' keys, or a
> single K_VOID?  I think K_VOID is less useful because you have to check
> MODIFIER_DATA and can't get the exact key pressed.

I withdraw that position.  I have found out that there is a new field in
ggi_key_event, label, that is supposed to indicate exactly which key has
been pressed without any sort of translation.  It would be, then,

    label + MODIFIER_DATA --> sym	

Am I correct?  If so, the "meaning" (sym) of the shift keys would indeed be
K_VOID.  So IMO, ggiGetc() should just ignore K_VOID events, since they are
not 'characters'.

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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