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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 04:13:02 +0200

Re: set_mode complexity

HI !

> >even brand new monitors have a limit to the
> >number of modes that they can store (ViewSonic monitors stores the
> >corrections for 16 modes based on the VSync/HSync values).

> The whole idea of those monitor's is for the stupid video cards and stupid
> video card drivers that can't use all the performance available in newer
> video hardware. With GGI in place, as documented, it wouldn't matter if
> all the modes are sharing the same setting, as they should stay centered
> and sized the same throughout. The stupid digital monitors are an ugly
> hack to fix a problem at the last possible stage, ...

YES !!! I start hating my new 17", as it has that crap ...
I liked my poor old 15" much better in that respect. I never had to turn
any control other than brightness and contrast on it.

And now: New mode, all new values that need to be set ...

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email : 
<> =

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