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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 18:42:57 -0400

RE: Out of the chaos

-----Original Message-----
From: MenTaLguY []

>I would personally suggest (I think someone else suggested >something
basically the same earlier):

>Three sections, each having their own FAQs, source downloads (that >ties in
with CVS changes, I suppose), documentation, and assorted >other goodies:

>1. LibGGI
>2. KGI
>3. GGI Console

>What we really need is three sites-within-a-site, because each of >the
projects are pretty fundamentally different, and appeal (and >therefore must
>be targeted to) widely differing audiences.

>A (small) global FAQ and a few other things wouldn't hurt, either.

Also, when things are split up, a few areas would be nice to be clarified,
like the difference between the svgalib wrapper for libggi, and the libggi
wrapper for svgalib. I imagine people will get confused about this rather
quickly ;)

Only thing about splitting KGI and GGI console. This would cause the drivers
dir to get split also, right? That could be a definate bad thing. Also,
where would this put things like GSI and KII?

-David Waite

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