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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 09:37:32 +0200

Re: here we go...

> > I guess I could install my own local copy, but this seems like a lot
> > of work to me.  I mean, there are a lot of BSD people out there that
> > don't have this on their machines, do they all have to upgrade to make
> > this work?  You might find little annoyances like this causing more problems
> > than they're worth.  Perhaps, as was quoted in another post, a more
> > generic use of utilities could be adopted for the Makefiles?

>         I will try to simplify things like this wherever possible, but if
> little annoyances turn out to be big annoyances the line will have to be
> drawn at some point.  Hopefully this will not happen. 

Well, there's no functionality that can't be gained with a shell-script,
so I suggest we stick to only requiring GNU make.


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