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  From: WolfWings ShadowFlight <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 01:47:40 -0700 (PDT)

Re: set_mode complexity

On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) wrote:

>even brand new monitors have a limit to the
>number of modes that they can store (ViewSonic monitors stores the
>corrections for 16 modes based on the VSync/HSync values).

My quick $0.02 on this:
The whole idea of those monitor's is for the stupid video cards and stupid
video card drivers that can't use all the performance available in newer
video hardware. With GGI in place, as documented, it wouldn't matter if
all the modes are sharing the same setting, as they should stay centered
and sized the same throughout. The stupid digital monitors are an ugly
hakc to fix a problem at the last possible stage, like drawing a line
using putpixel instead of properly clipping the coordinates right off the

I know my older monitor with analog controls, with GGI, centers and syncs
up everything from 160x100-ish up to 2048x1400 the exact same, and the
damn thing's only specced out to 1024x768, and it's close to 9 years old
now. Yes, it's 11" and sucks at anything higher than 640x480 with any font
smaller than 72-point, but I personally think the monitor manufacturers
should quit with the per-mode settings and put the stress where it
belongs in the first place, on the video card driver which can do all the
per-mode settings on a monitor can, only better and more cleanly, as it
avoids re-calibrating all your modes when you switch video card drivers,
or monitors, only making you re-sync one mode, and leaving the damn
monitor alone from that point on, like I do now with my 9-year-old POS.

Whew, that's a lot more than $0.02, but anyways, I'll cut off now. :-)
     _     _|_  WolfWings ShadowFlight
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | "Love is a bird,
|_|_| |_|_| | |  She needs to fly...
 _           /   Let all the hurt,
 \-.______,-'    Inside of you die..." - Madonna, Frozen

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