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  From: Frank W. Miller <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 11:30:33 -0400 (EDT)

Re: here we go...

> 	Either get and use the newest GNU fileutils or be prepared to do 
> the kinds of modifications you did below all over the place.

I have to admit, this doesnt seem reasonable to me.  I mean, find is not
the sort of program that can be abitrarily replaced on a lot of systems.
The reason is that, in my case, for a little while longer, I'm working
on a centrally administered machine.  They like to keep a common set
of OS utilities around, so upgrading to GNU find is not an option.

I guess I could install my own local copy, but this seems like a lot
of work to me.  I mean, there are a lot of BSD people out there that
don't have this on their machines, do they all have to upgrade to make
this work?  You might find little annoyances like this causing more problems
than they're worth.  Perhaps, as was quoted in another post, a more
generic use of utilities could be adopted for the Makefiles?

> 	OK so far.  TOPLEVEL should point to the kgi/ directory, just
> hardwire it if it causes problems.  We might be depending on bash-isms
> here.

As was noted by another post, use of gmake will fix this.  I guess gmake
is ok to force on us, it's pretty widespread.  We're walking a fine
line here.  The question is how much new stuff can you force people
to upgrade to before they just throw up their hands and use svgalib.

On another subject, I just tried to update my degas tree and I still dont
see the kgicon stuff.  Am i perchance sposed to be using the developer
server or the stable one?


Frank W. Miller                           Department of Computer Science                               University of Maryland             College Park, Maryland 20742

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