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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 10 Jul 1998 15:36:44 GMT

Re: Out of the chaos

James A Simmons <> wrote with confidence:

>    I known life has been rough jason. So I like to help you out. Tell me
> where I can get your latest work. I will work on seperating kgi
> out of it over the weekend. I need it by 4:00 EST today. I will make a
> patch for the 2.1.107 kernel so you could run ggi console without kgi.
> We need to convert the other char devices like the mac mouse to evstack.
> So ggi console wouldn't go into the kernel yet but it can be a great
> patch and with the placement of kgi in the kernel it will get notice
> (One of the reasons for the web page change). What are we going to do
> about /dev/graphics? Remove it and create a patch to make fb work with ggi
> console. By monday I hope to get ggi console to run with fb with or
> without kgicon. Just email me. 

   To separate out KGI, all you need to do is write a scroller for
fbcon (see linux/drivers/console/{kgi,null}scroll.c) as 
fbscroll.c Next, register a `head' for each fbcon framebuffer
(physical display) with the fbscroll as the scroller.

   Ignore all the KGI stuff. It's only needed for kgiscroll.c

   I'll pull out as much as I can today at work - do a CVS update
of the devel tree at 5pm EDT to see what I was able to complete -
there should be a TODO list in degas/os/Linux/linux/drivers/console

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
	-- Steve Shaw <>

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