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  From: Chris Meadors <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 09:09:27 -0700

Mailinglist archive

There seems to have been a problem at synergy that caused it to bounce
too many mails and got droped from the mailing
list.  Since this is the address that builds the online mailing list
archive for the web and ftp site, this was a problem.

The address has been resubscribed, but in the time it was off the list
people continued posting messages.  I seem to recall a while back at
least one person said they were keeping their own archive of the mailing
list.  So could anyone having an archive of all the messagse for at
least July in the normal mailbox format, please contact me personally,
so we can get a full archive back online.

Thanks much,

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